VeriFast is a tool for modular formal verification of the absence of undefined
in Rust1 programs that use unsafe
blocks and the
soundness of Rust
modules that use unsafe
blocks. It works by symbolically executing each
function separately, using a separation logic representation of memory,
starting from a symbolic state that represents an arbitrary program state that
satisfies the function's precondition, and checking that each state at which
the function returns satisfies the function's postcondition. By using the
callee's precondition and postcondition instead of its body when symbolically
executing a function call, and by using the user-specified loop invariant when
symbolically executing a loop so as to be able to symbolically execute the loop
body only once, and by using symbols to represent possibly infinitely many
program states using a finite number of symbolic states, VeriFast covers all
(usually infinitely many) possible executions of a function using a finite (and
usually small) number of symbolic executions, allowing the verification of
(small) programs to usually complete in a matter of seconds.
For functions not declared as unsafe
, VeriFast derives a precondition and
postcondition from the function's parameter types and return type using the
separation logic interpretation of Rust's types defined by
RustBelt; for functions declared as
, the user has to provide a precondition and postcondition by inserting
specially marked comments called annotations into the source code. Similarly, for each loop a loop
invariant has to be provided in an annotation. To be able to
express these conditions (called assertions), the user may generally also have
to insert annotations defining mathematical recursive datatypes called
inductive datatypes, mathematical recursive functions over these datatypes
called fixpoint functions, recursive named separation logic assertions called
predicates, and type predicates defining a custom interpretation for some of the
struct types defined by the current module (as well as some less common constructs
such as VeriFast named function types, lemma function types, predicate
families, and predicate family instances).
In order for symbolic execution to succeed, the user may furthermore have to
insert annotations containing ghost commands such as open
and close
commands for unfolding and folding predicates and calls of lemma functions,
possibly recursive functions defined inside annotations that are checked by
VeriFast to terminate and to not have side-effects and that serve as possibly
inductive proofs about fixpoint functions and predicates.
This reference defines the syntax of the various kinds of annotations, and describes VeriFast's symbolic execution algorithm and the various checks that VeriFast performs.
Soundness of VeriFast
We aim for VeriFast to be sound, i.e. that if VeriFast reports "0 errors
found", then indeed each function not marked as unsafe
in the crate under
verification is semantically well-typed, which for parameterless non-unsafe
functions like main
implies that no execution of the function has undefined
behavior. However, in contrast to some other tools such as
RefinedRust, VeriFast itself has not
been formally verified, so unknown bugs are almost certainly present in the tool
that may cause the tool to report "0 errors found" incorrectly in some cases.
There may also be known unsoundnesses; these should all be recorded as
with label unsoundness
. Also, when using command-line flags like
, -ignore_ref_creation
, -allow_assume
, and
, the soundness property can only be expected to hold
under the assumption that the program does not perform arithmetic overflow,
complies with the pointer aliasing rules, does not violate any of the assume
ghost commands present in the program, and does not violate semantic
well-typedness due to unwinding, respectively. Finally, note that since VeriFast
for Rust uses the rustc frontend, which assumes a particular compilation target
architecture, VeriFast for Rust's result will only hold for the current target
The state of VeriFast
VeriFast has been developed by Bart Jacobs, Jan Smans, and Frank Piessens at KU Leuven, Department of Computer Science, DistriNet research group since 2008, with many contributions from contributors inside and outside DistriNet. VeriFast for Rust has been developed by Nima Rahimi Foroushaani and Bart Jacobs at DistriNet since 2022. The lead developer and main maintainer is Bart Jacobs, an associate professor at DistriNet, who combines these activities with his usual research, education, and service duties. The largest verification performed so far with VeriFast for Rust, the verification of certain properties of certain functions of the Rust standard library's LinkedList data structure, was performed in December 2024. Its support for the Rust language is as of yet very incomplete2, so that for any new nontrivial use case, it is to be expected, for now, that the tool will have to be extended. Bart Jacobs is eager to support anyone interested in using VeriFast. However, despite his best intentions, he may get distracted by other occupations; in that case, please do not hesitate to remind him early and often---your continued showing of interest will only delight him and you may rest assured that, given sufficient prodding, your issue will be resolved eventually.
The state of this reference
This reference is under construction; much material is still missing. Please bear with us! But if there are particular parts you're particularly eager to see, it always helps to let us know.
Further resources
A tutorial is being prepared. In the meantime, the VeriFast
Tutorial for C is a good resource for
familiarizing yourself with VeriFast's concepts. Rust versions of the examples
and exercises of the VeriFast Tutorial are
see the command lines used to verify them in
(where they are listed in the order in which they appear in the Tutorial).
(Note: the solutions found there can be transformed into starting points for
exercises by stripping the VeriFast annotations using bin/vfstrip
: e.g.
vfstrip < >
Further examples of VeriFast for Rust proofs are in
; the
command lines are in
VeriFast also supports (subsets of) C and Java.
as is its support for Java and, to a somewhat lesser extent, C
Symbolic execution states
A symbolic execution state consists of the following components:
- A symbolic store, mapping each local variable name in scope whose address is not taken to a term representing its current value, and each local variable in scope whose address is taken to a term representing a pointer to the variable.
- A symbolic heap, a multiset of heap chunks representing the resources owned by the code being verified. Note: "symbolic heap" and "heap chunk" are slightly misleading names, because ownership of non-heap resources, such as global variables or stack-allocated variables whose address is taken1, is also represented as "heap chunks"; more accurate names would have been "symbolic multiset of owned resources" and "chunk of resource".
- A path condition, a set of formulae (terms of type
) encoding the assumptions made about the symbols used on the current symbolic execution path.
These components are shown in the Locals pane, the Heap chunks pane, and the Assumptions pane of the VeriFast IDE, respectively.
A heap chunk consists of the following components:
- The chunk's coefficient: a term representing a real number. In case of an application of a built-in predicate representing a region of memory, the coefficient is always greater than zero and not greater than one. If the coefficient equals one, it's a full chunk denoting read/write access; otherwise, it's a fractional chunk denoting read-only access. In case of a user-defined predicate, the meaning is given by distributing the multiplication by the coefficient over the separating conjunctions in the predicate's body. If a chunk's coefficient is the literal term
, it is not shown in the VeriFast IDE. - The chunk's predicate: a term representing a predicate value. When processing a predicate definition, VeriFast allocates a fresh predicate symbol to represent the predicate; also, each predicate constructor is associated with a function symbol mapping a predicate constructor argument list to a predicate value.
- The chunk's type arguments, a list of types with which to instantiate the predicate's type parameters.
- The chunk's arguments, a list of terms with which to instantiate the predicate's parameters.
- Optionally, the chunk's size. This is only potentially present when verifying a lemma function whose precondition's first separating conjunct is a predicate assertion. In that context, chunks derived from the first chunk produced by the lemma function's precondition through N open operations have size -N. This component is used to verify termination of lemma functions defined by induction on the derivation of the precondition's first chunk.
A predicate is either built-in or user-defined. All built-in predicates are declared in the prelude, in bin/rust/prelude.rsspec
, or are automatically generated by VeriFast when it processes certain declarations. The most important ones are the following:
pred points_to_<T>(p: *T, v: option<T>)
: a chunkpoints_to_::<T>(p, v)
denotes ownership of a variable of type T pointed to by properly aligned pointerp
. Ifv
, the variable is initialized and holds value V; otherwise, it is uninitialized. Since the points-to chunk for a variable is consumed when the variable is deallocated, ownership of a points-to chunk implies that the pointer is non-dangling.pred points_to<T>(p: *T, v: T)
: equivalent topoints_to_::<T>(p, some(v))
.pred array_<T>(p: *T, n: i32, vs: list<option<T>>)
: a chunkarray_::<T>(p, n, vs)
denotes ownership of an array ofn
components of type T, pointed to by properly aligned pointerp
. Listvs
of lengthn
holds each component's value, if it is initialized, ornone
if it is not.pred array<T>(p: *T, n: i32, vs: list<T>)
: denotes ownership of a fully initialized array.- When processing a definition of a struct S with fields F1: T1 through Fn: Tn, VeriFast introduces field predicates
pred S_F1_(p: *S, v: option<T1>) = points_to_::<T1>(&(*p).F1, v)
andpred S_F1(p: *S, v: T1) = points_to::<T>(&(*p).F1, v)
, as well as a padding predicatepred struct_S_padding(p: *S)
Other examples are ghost cells and, when reasoning about the program's I/O behavior, resources representing the state of the external world.
This chapter defines the syntax and the semantics of the various contructs that may appear inside VeriFast annotations.
- Keywords
- Types
- Expressions
- Assertions
- Function specifications
- Function body annotations
- Ghost declarations
In annotations, these words, in addition to Rust's keywords, are recognized as keywords and cannot be used as identifiers:
These are the additional operators recognized inside annotations:
Inside annotations, the syntax of types is extended as follows:
Type :
... |*_
| PureFunctionType | PredicateType |real
PureFunctionType :
( ParamType,
)* ParamType?)
ParamType :
)? TypePredicateType :
((( ParamType,
) ParamType )?;
)? ( ParamType,
) ParamType?)
In addition to (some subset of) Rust's types, VeriFast supports the following types:
- Type
(pointer-to-anything) is a pointer type implicitly convertible to any other pointer type. It is analogous to C'svoid *
. - Type
is the union of all inductive types that themselves containany
only in positive positions. - The pure function type
fix(T1, ..., Tn, U)
is the type of mathematical functions taking N arguments, of types T1 through Tn, and returning a value of type U. - The predicate type
pred(T1, ..., Tn)
is the type of separation logic predicates taking N arguments, of types T1 through Tn. The typepred(T1, ..., Tn; U1, ..., Um)
is the type of precise separation logic predicates taking N input arguments and M output arguments. - Type
is the type of real numbers. (It is mostly used for chunk coefficients and for reasoning about floating-point numbers.)
In pure function types and predicate types, parameter names may optionally be written for documentation purposes; they are ignored by VeriFast.
Note, furthermore:
- VeriFast does not distinguish between
*const T
and*mut T
and supports the syntax*T
. That is, VeriFast treats the type expressions*const T
,*mut T
, and*T
identically. - When used as the type of a ghost variable (e.g. a pure function parameter or return value, a predicate parameter, a lemma parameter, or a ghost cell) or as the type of an expression in an annotation, all integer types are interpreted as the mathematical type ℤ of all integers. Also, inside annotations arithmetic operations on integers are always interpreted as operations on ℤ and never wrap around.
Expression : ... | Lifetime |typeid
The syntax of expressions in annotations is the same as in Rust code, with two additional supported forms:
- A lifetime parameter in scope may be used as an expression. This denotes the RustBelt
value corresponding to that lifetime parameter. - The expression
denotes the typeid of type T.
Also, certain Rust expressions are interpreted differently in annotations than in Rust code:
- Array expressions are interpreted as
values. For example,[10, 20, 30]
is interpreted ascons(10, cons(20, cons(30, nil)))
. - Arithmetic expressions on integer types are interpreted as operations on the mathematical set ℤ of all integers; they produce their mathematical result and never wrap around.
Note that match
expressions may be used to perform case analysis on values of VeriFast inductive types.
Assertion :
| PredicateAssertion
| TypePredicateAssertion
| BooleanAssertion
| PatternMatchingEqualityAssertion
| ConditionalAssertion
| MatchAssertion
| Assertion&*&
AssertionPointsToAssertion : (
)? Expression (|->
) VFPatternVFPattern :
) | ExpressionPredicateAssertion : (
)? Expression VFPatternList ? VFPatternListVFPatternList :
(( VFPattern,
)* VFPattern )?)
TypePredicateAssertion :
IDENTIFIER VFPatternListBooleanAssertion : Expression
PatternMatchingEqualityAssertion : Expression
VFPatternConditionalAssertion :
MatchAssertion :
( MatchAssertionArm,
? )*}
MatchAssertionArm : Pattern
Function specifications
VeriFast accepts the following specification clauses between a function's header and its body:
SpecificationClause :
Note that VeriFast also support single-line annotations of the form //@ ...annotation...
. Such an annotation is entirely equivalent to /*@ ...annotation... @*/
Notice that the requires clause, the ensures clause, and the unwind ensures clause must be in separate annotations.
Function body annotations
Ghost commands
VeriFast accepts the following ghost commands as annotations in positions where statements are allowed in Rust code.
VeriFast preprocesses
files to replace annotations inside function bodies by dummyVeriFast_ghost_command();
statements. If an annotation inside a function body appears in a position where such a call is not allowed, you may get a confusing Rust compiler error.
GhostCommandAnnotation :/*@
GhostCommand :
GhostCommand *}
GhostCommand *}
MatchGhostCommandArm *}
(( Expression,
)* Expression )?)
GhostCommand *}
GhostCommand *}
(( Expression,
)* Expression )?)
GhostCommand *}
GhostDeclaration * GhostCommand *}
Expression ?;
| Expression;
A return
ghost command may only appear in a lemma body, not in a ghost command annotation.
Block annotations
Additionally, a Rust block may start with one of the following VeriFast annotations:
- a loop invariant of the form
- a loop specification of the form
. Notice that here, the requires clause and the ensures clause must be in the same annotation, whereas in the case of function specifications they must be in separate annotations. - a batch of ghost declarations of the form
GhostDeclaration *@*/
The declarations supported in such batches are predicate definitions, lemma definitions, and local lifetime variable definitions (usinglet_lft
Call annotations
Furthermore, a ghost generic argument list annotation may be inserted between the function name and the argument list of a Rust function call, like so: foo/*@::<'a, T>@*/
. This is necessary in cases where it is important to pass a particular lifetime as a generic argument to a function. If, for a function call, no ghost generic argument list is provided, VeriFast uses 'static
as the argument for each of the function's lifetime parameters.
Ghost declarations
A ghost declarations annotation may appear anywhere a Rust item may appear, except that only a few kinds of ghost declarations are supported inside function bodies (see Block annotations).
GhostDeclarationsAnnotation :/*@
GhostDeclaration *@*/
GhostDeclaration :
IDENTIFIER GenericParams ?=
? InductiveConstructor (|
InductiveConstructor )*;
IDENTIFIER GenericParams ?(
Type )? ({
IDENTIFIER GenericParams ?(
( Params;
)? Params)
Assertion )?;
IDENTIFIER GenericParams ?(
( Params;
)? Params)
GenericParams ?<
( ParamNames;
)? ParamNames)
IDENTIFIER GenericParams ?(
Type )? LemmaRest
IDENTIFIER GenericParams ?(
Type )?;
IDENTIFIER GenericParams ?(
Type )?;
InductiveConstructor : IDENTIFIER (
( ParamType,
)* ParamType)
)?LemmaRest :
GhostCommand *}
LemmaSpecificationLemmaSpecification :
Params : (( Param
)* Param )?Param : IDENTIFIER
TypeParamNames : (( IDENTIFIER
Verifying compliance with Rust's pointer aliasing rules
Breaking Rust's pointer aliasing rules or mutating immutable bytes is undefined behavior. VeriFast currently verifies (only) the latter.
In particular, it verifies that the memory pointed to by a shared reference,
except for the memory inside an UnsafeCell
, is not mutated while the shared
reference is active. First of all, shared reference creation is treated like the
creation of a new pointer value, with the same address but a different
provenance from the
original pointer. Points-to resources for the original pointer cannot be used
for accesses through the new shared reference.
VeriFast requires, at creation of a shared reference, that the user transfer a fraction greater than 0 and less than 1 of the points-to resources for the original place to the new shared reference. These resources are transferred back to the original reference when the shared reference is ended (and only then); from that point on, the shared reference is no longer usable.
Specifically, a shared reference creation expression &E
is treated like a call
of function create_ref
which is part of the VeriFast for Rust prelude. This function requires that a
shared reference value has been precreated using lemma precreate_ref
declared in the same file. Furthermore, it requires that the new reference has
been initialized.
Memory inside an UnsafeCell
is exempted from this process; the points-to
resources for that memory are never transferred. This means that a shared
reference to an UnsafeCell
does not directly provide access to the memory
behind the UnsafeCell
. To access the memory, the developer has to call
. VeriFast treats calls of this method like calls of logical
function ref_origin
(also declared in aliasing.rsspec
). Therefore, if a
struct S has a field f of type UnsafeCell<T>
inside, it is important for
<S>.share(k, t, l)
to (directly or indirectly, e.g. via a nonatomic borrow),
assert points-to resources for ref_origin(&(*l).f)
. See, for example,
Verifying non-unsafe
A core value proposition of Rust is that well-typed programs have no undefined behavior, under certain conditions on the use of unsafe
blocks. The RustBelt project has developed a mathematically precise proposal for what those conditions are. In this proposal, a semantics is defined for Rust's types and typing judgments in separation logic, providing a definition of whether a function is semantically well-typed that talks only about the function's behavior, not about its precise syntactic structure, and is therefore applicable to functions containing unsafe
blocks. They have proven the soundness of Rust's type checker with respect to this semantics, implying that if a function that does not contain unsafe
blocks is syntactically well-typed, then it is semantically well-typed. Therefore, if a program consists of modules that use unsafe
blocks and client code that does not, it suffices to establish that these modules are semantically well-typed to be able to conclude that the program as a whole is semantically well-typed and therefore has no undefined behavior.1
In order to be able to express the semantics of mutable references and shared references, as well as the semantics of many of the uses of interior mutability in the Rust standard library, the RustBelt authors have proposed the lifetime logic, which defines separation logic concepts such as lifetime tokens, full borrows, fractured borrows, thread tokens, and nonatomic borrows.
An excellent resource for learning more about the RustBelt proposal and the advanced separation logic Iris that underlies it is Ralf Jung's thesis.
More accurately speaking, the RustBelt authors have defined semantic well-typedness for a somewhat simplified version of Rust called lambda-Rust, and have proven soundness of lambda-Rust's type checker, which is a simplified version of that of Rust. Notable aspects not taken into account in the original RustBelt work include destructors (drop
), unwinding, and Rust's aliasing rules.
RustBelt and the lifetime logic in VeriFast
An axiomatisation of the lifetime logic into VeriFast's logic and some further RustBelt-related definitions and axioms can be found in the following files:
Semantic well-typedness of functions in VeriFast
If a crate under verification defines a function not marked as unsafe
, VeriFast generates a specification for that function that expresses the function's semantic well-typedness. If the function is annotated with an explicit specification as well, VeriFast first verifies that the explicit specification implies2 the generated one, and then verifies the function body against the explicit specification; otherwise, VeriFast verifies the function body against the generated specification.
By "specification S1 implies specification S2" we mean that every function that satisfies S1 also satisfies S2. VeriFast checks this through symbolic execution, by producing the precondition of S2, then consuming the precondition of S1, then producing the postcondition of S1, and then consuming the postcondition of S2. This corresponds to checking that an implementation of S2 that just calls an implementation of S1 would be correct. For this check to succeed, it is sufficient (but not necessary) that the precondition of S2 implies the precondition of S1 and the postcondition of S1 implies the postcondition of S2.
For a function fn f<'a, 'b : 'a, T, U>(x1: T1, ..., xN: TN) -> U
, the generated specification is as follows:
req thread_token(?_t) &*&
[?_q_a]lifetime_token('a) &*&
[?_q_b]lifetime_token('b) &*&
lifetime_inclusion('a, 'b) == true &*&
<T1>.own(_t, x1) &*&
<TN>.own(_t, xN);
ens thread_token(_t) &*&
[_q_a]lifetime_token('a) &*&
[_q_b]lifetime_token('b) &*&
<U>.own(_t, result);
thread_token(_t) &*&
[_q_a]lifetime_token('a) &*&
Drop functions
If the crate under verification implements Drop for a struct S<'a>
with fields f1 : T1
through fN : TN
, VeriFast generates the following specification for drop(&mut self)
req thread_token(?_t) &*&
[?_q_a]lifetime_token('a) &*&
<S>.full_borrow_content(_t, self);
ens thread_token(_t) &*&
[_q_a]lifetime_token('a) &*&
<T1>.full_borrow_content(_t, &(*self).f1) &*&
<TN>.full_borrow_content(_t, &(*self).fN);
thread_token(_t) &*&
[_q_a]lifetime_token('a) &*&
<T1>.full_borrow_content(_t, &(*self).f1) &*&
<TN>.full_borrow_content(_t, &(*self).fN);
Semantics of types in VeriFast
For simple types T such as bool
and the integer types, we simply have <T>.own(t, x) = true
. Here are some more interesting cases:
<&'a mut T>.own(t, l) = full_borrow('a, <T>.full_borrow_content(t, l))
<&'a T>.own(t, l) = <T>.share('a, t, l)
For any type T, we have <T>.full_borrow_content(t, l) = *l |-> ?x &*& <T>.own(t, x)
For simple types T such as bool
and the integer types, we simply have <T>.share(k, t, l) = frac_borrow(k, <T>.full_borrow_content(t, l))
If the crate under verification defines a struct S, it can define a custom semantics for type S by defining the <S>.own
and <S>.share
predicates.3 If it does so, it must also prove a number of proof obligations about these predicates.
Note: as part of processing a type predicate definition pred <S>.p(xs) = A;
, VeriFast introduces a predicate definition pred S_p(xs) = A;
. Therefore, <S>.own
and S_own
are equivalent, and so are <S>.share
and S_share
Proof obligations for own
If a crate defines a struct S as well as a custom definition of <S>.own
, and the struct's field types are not trivially droppable and the struct does not implement the Drop trait, then the crate must prove the following lemma:
lem S_drop()
req S_own(?t, ?s);
ens <T1>.own(t, s.f1) &*& ... &*& <Tn>.own(t, s.fn);
where the fields of S are f1
through fn
and their types are T1 through Tn.
If a crate defines a struct S as well as a custom definition of <S>.own
, and S is Send, and the own
predicate mentions the thread id, then the crate must prove the following lemma:
lem S_send(t1: thread_id_t)
req S_own(?t, ?s);
ens S_own(t1, s);
Proof obligations for share
If a crate defines a struct S as well as a custom definition of <S>.share
, then the crate must prove the following two lemmas:
lem S_share_full(k: lifetime_t, t: thread_id_t, l: *S)
req atomic_mask(MaskTop) &*& [?q]lifetime_token(k) &*& full_borrow(k, S_full_borrow_content(t, l)) &*& ref_origin(l) == l;
ens atomic_mask(MaskTop) &*& [q]lifetime_token(k) &*& [_]S_share(k, t, l);
lem S_share_mono(k: lifetime_t, k1: lifetime_t, t: thread_id_t, l: *S)
req lifetime_inclusion(k1, k) == true &*& [_]S_share(k, t, l);
ens [_]S_share(k1, t, l);
Additionally, if S is Sync and the share predicate mentions the thread id, then the crate must prove the following lemma:
lem S_sync(t1: thread_id_t)
req [_]S_share(?k, ?t, ?l);
ens [_]S_share(k, t1, l);
Generic structs
If struct S is generic in type parameters T1 through Tm, each of the above lemmas must also be generic in the same parameters. Furthermore, they may additionally require and ensure type_interp::<Ti>()
, for each i
. Furthermore, if a type parameter is Send or Sync, an is_Send(typeid(Ti)) == true
or is_Sync(typeid(Ti)) == true
conjunct may be added to the precondition. For example:
lem Pair_send<A, B>(t1: thread_id_t)
req type_interp::<A>() &*& type_interp::<B>() &*& Pair_own::<A, B>(?t, ?pair) &*& is_Send(typeid(A)) && is_Send(typeid(B));
ens type_interp::<A>() &*& type_interp::<B>() &*& Pair_own::<A, B>(t1, pair);
open Pair_own::<A, B>(t, pair);
Send::send::<A>(t, t1, pair.fst);
Send::send::<B>(t, t1, pair.snd);
close Pair_own::<A, B>(t1, pair);