
Expression : ... | Lifetime | typeid ( Type )

The syntax of expressions in annotations is the same as in Rust code, with two additional supported forms:

  • A lifetime parameter in scope may be used as an expression. This denotes the RustBelt lifetime_t value corresponding to that lifetime parameter.
  • The expression typeid(T) denotes the typeid of type T.

Also, certain Rust expressions are interpreted differently in annotations than in Rust code:

  • Array expressions are interpreted as list<T> values. For example, [10, 20, 30] is interpreted as cons(10, cons(20, cons(30, nil))).
  • Arithmetic expressions on integer types are interpreted as operations on the mathematical set ℤ of all integers; they produce their mathematical result and never wrap around.

Note that match expressions may be used to perform case analysis on values of VeriFast inductive types.